Sourcing & Procurement Software

RFQ software built for direct material sourcing

Supplios is the modern sourcing & procurement platform of choice for manufacturers, built to be cusotmized to your exact workflows.

Built to handle CAD files, complete BOMs, and complex assemblies.

Launching RFQs & RFPs

Direct Material Sourcing

Direct vs. indirect procurement - pick the right tool for the job.

Direct material procurement is inherently different than indirect, on many levels. Supplios understands this, and is built for your direct-material use-case.

Cost breakdown templates

Convert your existing custom quote templates to Supplios quote sheets

CAD file uploads

Support for any CAD format, any file size

PLM & QMS integrations

Connect systems across entire product lifecycle

Quote history by part number

Track quote history by part, supplier, project, and more.

RFQ & Sourcing Automation

Get supplier quotes in hours, not days.

Send out complete quote packages to new and existing suppliers with a couple mouse clicks, then let our software manage gathering, organizing, and analyzing all the responses.

From simple on-off tools to huge RFQs for an entire Bill-of-Materials, Supplios can handle them all.

Keep records of all past quotes, organized by project, by supplier, and by job category.

No more juggling Excel spreadsheets, lost emails, and other wasted administrative overhead.

Product screenshot

Ready to check it out?

Get a live demo and trial account.

We'll help you set things up, show you around, then let you and your team kick the tires.